One-on-one Test Prep
1-on-1 Customized Tutoring
We recognize that students learn and succeed in different ways, so we've created individualized programs to assist students with the ACT and SAT.
The custom, one-on-one program guarantees that your student will have the full attention of his or her tutor and allows for the curriculum to be changed to accommodate specific needs.
Students will be assigned targeted, pattern-based homework from the specific areas where they need the most help, guaranteeing the highest possible increase in their scores!
Using our StarU mobile app, students can also complete sessions remotely, working with tutors through our unique video and whiteboard platform!
How it works
Please fill out the form and submit it to our test prep team. One of our experts will get back to you to talk about your student, assess his or her needs, answer questions, and provide a test prep plan! If you have already been in touch with our team, and you’re ready to start your program with your tutor, please also fill out the non-required fields of this form (not marked with a *), so we can ship materials and send additional instructions!